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TIGERS has inventive interactive exhibits that offer a self-paced 20 Ways To Track A Tiger adventure to save a tigress and her cubs though six TIGERS Zones-Tracks, Senses, Hunt, Cubs, Cave and Conservation. Visitors of all ages become curious to explore though action-oriented learning. 


The TIGERS EXPERIENCE custom-design includes a dedicated focus on the visitor engagement goals for a science center/museum that wants a high level of ongoing visitor engagement.  The design process involves a global interdisciplinary design integration team of experts that enhance expected learning outcomes and source the best learning technologies to capture visitors attention.  Museum professionals and their clients are included in the design-development part of the process. The TIGERS design allows for the technology updates as changes in tiger/wildlife and life science breakthroughs occur.

Some Current TIGERS interactive exhibits include: 

Talk like a Tiger offers a compelling voice simulation experience to hear a wide range of unique tiger sounds and feel their vibrations including infrasound.  In turn, the visitor will imitate these sounds and get feedback on how they matched the tiger sounds. They also learn the science of sound.


Carnivore Capture and Canine Bite Force encourages visitors to physically engage with the force of the tiger's jaws and claws to learn how the tiger hunts. 


Inside the Tiger exhibit shows rare and remarkable tiger "CAT" scans through a touch monitor that looks into a tiger's head, heart, spine, chest and abdomen as well as compares it to human anatomy.


The Tigress and Cubs Cave encourages visitors to explore their Day in the Life experiences by moving around the cave to learn more about them. The Rare Tigress and two cubs recreations have been made to show their actual size and interaction with their environment.


The  award-winning TIGERS Electronic Digi-Track Climbing Wall is a 3D sensory sounds and light climbing wall involving energetic games like the Cub Survival Game, Tracking the Tigress, Tiger Sound Match, Bee Blitz and Monsoon Rain. The TIGERS Digi-Wall can be purchased separately to enhance science center/museum visitor attractions with an action-oriented learning approach.


Benefits of the TIGERS Electronic Digi-Track Climbing Wall:

  • Provide Interactive Wall games experience for all ages that builds team cooperation 

  • Learn how to identify wild tiger sounds, predators and other Indian wildlife

  • Build memory capabilities through matching tiger sounds spread across the wall

  • Offer physical fitness and confidence based on the intensity and level of engagement for the player

  • Motivate multi-player and family interactions in playing the games together

  • Reinforces the wild tigress and two cubs story within the exhibition



Customize the TIGERS EXPERIENCE for a permanent Interactive Exhibition for Science Centers, Natural History Museums, Zoos & Entertainment Attractions Worldwide

  • Gain ground-breaking High Touch and High Tech innovative exhibits to capture visitors of all ages

  • Provide state-of-the-art media for immersive visual learning to tell the TIGERS Experience story of the survival of a tigress and her two cubs in the Indian jungle

  • Inspire Schools, Scouts and Families to be motivated to learn about wildlife, life science and biology during each TIGERS Experience visit

  • Offer enhanced e-learning pre & post Science Center/Museum visits to motivate teachers and students before, during and after their field trips

  • (TIGERS Field Trip Guides and 20 Ways To Track A Tiger e-Book are available)

  • Expand customized Asian Wildlife & Bio-Diversity engaging experiences within a TIGERS permanent exhibition within an Indian jungle

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Invite the Award-winning TIGERS- Tracking a Legend HD Film to your city's Science Center and Museum theaters (45 minutes). The TIGERS Music Video and The Making of TIGERS are also available to enhance this entertaining on-site experience.  TIGERS films can also be used within a permanent TIGERS Exhibition at a science center and/or museum.


TIGERS-Tracking a Legend's Compelling Film Story

Join a Mahavat (tiger tracker) and his son on their trusted elephant as they venture into a wild paradise for an intimate look at a Bengal tigress and her cubs.   Filmed in India’s Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, this story traces the lives of a wild tigress named Bachhi and her two young cubs, Badi and Choti. As they grow, the cubs will face a variety of threats from cobras and pythons, to sloth bears and leopards, and even other  tigers. In the surrounding forest, another drama unfolds: Charger, an old dominant male tiger, is being challenged by his son Banda.


As viewers of this extraordinary film witness dramatic stories play out, they’ll also learn how to track tigers. They’ll witness the rivalry between male tigers for territorial dominance. And they’ll watch as Bachhi’s cubs grow up, exhibiting very different personalities, using unique calls to communicate with their mother.

"TIGERS-Tracking a Legend film and exhibition are superb portrayals of one of nature's most magnificent creations!" George B. Schaller, VP Panthera & Retired Vice President of Science and Explorations, Wildlife Conservation Society (Bronx Zoo) & Senior Conservationist  

“Dramatic and magnetic, TIGERS-Tracking a Legend is an extraordinary HD film made from unwavering perseverance and uncommon dedication to capture the real world of the critically endangered wild Bengal tiger. This tigress, Bachhi, is a uniquely present beauty that guards her cubs with complete dedication.  Human destinies are intertwined as the guardians to save tigers for future generations.  Find your heart in this wild tiger film.” - Ang Lee, Oscar-winning Film Director, Life of Pi and other major award-winning films

"TIGERS-Tracking a Legend has a rare realism that let's you touch the life of the tigress and cubs as if you are in the Indian jungle with them." - Science Center Exhibition-Education Director, U.S.A.


"TIGERS-Tracking a Legend wins recognition for its high risk filming and adventure storytelling with strong heartfelt message. If you love tigers, they will become part of you forever by immersing yourself within this tigress and cubs survival adventure." - Natural History Museum Parent-Scout Leader  


TIGERS-Tracking a Legend at the International Wildlife Film Festival

Best Cinematography Winner, the prestigious Cine Golden Eagle award winner, The WINGS Woman of Discovery Ground-Breaking Film Award as well as other awards

20 Ways To Track A Tiger 


"Magnetic and moving, 20 Ways To Track a Tiger is an extraordinary immersive story blended with the award-winning TIGERS-TRACKING A LEGEND film, powerful photographs and cutting-edge interactive enhanced e-book technologies. Carol Amore's unwavering perseverance and uncommon dedication to visually capture the real world of the critically endangered wild Bengal tiger is awe-inspiring. Feel your heart beat faster in the presence of tigers through these sensational images and by walking in the tiger's tracks to experience their family's daily quest for survival."

—  Ang Lee, Oscar-Award Winning Film Director, Life of Pi

"Wildly authentic, incredibly intriguing TIGERS – Tracking A Legend has the visual and interactive magnetism to draw you into the tiger’s world to experience all its senses as the prime predator in the Indian jungle. Tigers are extremely endangered and we would be tragically diminished should they disappear.  Their legend lives on in this landmark exhibition."

—  Glenn Close, Noted Actress & Producer

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